Aug 7, 2008

Ramana Maharshi - The Sage of Arunachala

Ramana Maharshi - The Sage of Arunachala

Ramana Maharshi - The Sage of Arunachala
English | Divx | 640×480 | MP3 | 192kbps | ~700MB
Who is Ramana Maharshi?

Ramana Maharshi (Maha or great, Rishi or Enlightened Being) was the awe inspiring sage who’s presence graced the renowned sacred Arunachala hill during much of the 20th century. He was known throughout India and to many in the rest of the world as the silent sage whose peaceful presence and powerful gaze changed the lives of the many who came into his presence. In silence he radiated peace and contentment like a powerful beacon, effecting a change in anyone who came within his sphere. He encouraged people to look within and decide whether they were actually the body or the changeless eternal self within. His powerful example and inner influence led many people to experience this inner self as the same self behind all awareness, above the transient mind, emotions, and body.

Like so many Great Ones who come down to this Earth on a divine mission, he was born a seemingly ordinary mortal, and at a certain point in his life, the illusion or Maya of individuality fell away from him and in an instant of realization he grasped that his inmost awareness was actually that of the Universal Self, the ageless Atma, or Eternal Awareness within all. There was no desire for or struggle for enlightenment. Instead, the sun of Self Awareness arose spontaneously, without an external guru and without the usual period of spiritual striving.


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